Ana María Iglesias Maqueda



Ana María Iglesias Maqueda is a member of the faculty of the Computer Science Department of Carlos III University of Madrid, since February 2006. She obtained a degree in Computer Science from Carlos III University of Madrid in 1999, and her Ph.D. in Computer Science from Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M) in 2004.

She has been also a member of the Spanish Centre of Caption and Audiodescription (CESyA) since 2005 to 2013, as the person in charge of the captioning and audiodescription database and also as the main researcher in the “accessibility in education” line.

She conducted three postdoctoral research stays at Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh – PA- USA) during 7 months in 2005, University of Southampton (Southampton – UK) during 3 months and University of Texas at Austin (USA) during one year.

She has been working in several National research projects on Accessibility, Human-Robot Interaction, Advanced Database Technologies, Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval. Her research interests include Accessibility, Adaptive Intelligent Educational Systems, Information Retrieval, Database Design and Advanced Database Technologies, among others.

Research Lines:

  • Accessibility in Human-Robot & Human-Computer Interaction
  • Advanced Databases
  • Data Integration and Big Data
  • Data Extraction

Recent publications:

  • Journals:
  • Ana Iglesias, Raquel Viciana, José Manuel Pérez-Lorenzo, Karine Lan Hing Ting, Alberto Tudela, Rebeca Marfil, Malak Al-Qbilat, Antonio Hurtado, Antonio Jerez and Juan Pedro Bandera. The Town Crier: a Use Case Design and Implementation for a Socially Assistive Robot in Retirement Homes. Robotics (JCR Q2). In press. 2024.

    Jose C. Pulido, Raquel Fuentetaja, Enrique García, Melania García, Vanesa Abuín, José C. González, Ana Iglesias & Fernando Fernández. A Gamified Social Robotics Platform for Intensive Therapies in Neurorehabilitation . Intelligent Service Robotics (JCR Q4). Pp. 1-25 2024.

    Ana Iglesias, Javier García, Ángel García-Olaya, Raquel Fuentetaja, Fernándo Fernández, Adrián Romero-Garcés, Rebeca Marfil, Antonio Bandera, Karine Lan Hing Ting, Dimitri Voilmy, Álvaro Dueñas and Cristinga Suárez-Mejías. Extending the Evaluation of Social Assistive Robots with Accessibility Indicators. The AUSUS Evaluation Framework. IEEE T. on Human-Machine Systems. In press.

    Jorge Morato, Sonia Sánchez-Cuadrado, Ana Iglesias, Adrián Campillo, Carmen Fernández-Panadero. Sustainable Technologies for Older Adults. Sustainability (JCR Q1). Special Issue on “Sustainable Technology and Elderly Life”. In press.

    Karine Lan Hing Ting, Dimitri Voilmy, Quitterie De Roll, Ana Iglesias & Rebeca Marfil. Fieldwork and field trials in hospitals: Co-designing a robotic solution to support data collection in geriatric assessment. Applied Sciences-Basel (ISSN 2076-3417) – Applied Industrial Technologies. 11(7), 3046, 2021.

    Malak Al-Qbilat, Ana Iglesias & Tony Belpaeme. A Proposal of Accessibility Guidelines for Human-Robot Interaction (2021). Electronics 2021, 10(5), 561-575, 2021;

    Morato, J., Iglesias, A., Campillo, A. and Sanchez-Cuadrado, S. (2020). Automated Readability Assessment for Spanish e-Government Information.Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management, 6(2), em0137.

    Rocío Calvo, Ana Iglesias & Leonardo Castaño, (2017). Evaluation of accessibility barriers and learning features in m-learning chat applications for users with disabilities. Universal Access in the Information Society (JCR: Impact Factor: 1.302). Vol. 16(3). Pp 593-607.

    Ana Iglesias, Lourdes Moreno, Javier Jiménez y Pablo Revuelta, (2016). Avoiding communication barriers in the classroom: The APEINTA project. 2016. Interactive Learning Environments (JCR: Impact Factor: 1.674). Volumen: Volumen: 24, no.4, Pp. 829-843. url, fullText.

    Rocío Calvo-Martin, Ana Iglesias, Lourdes Moreno, (2014). User-Centered Requirement Engineering for Accessible Chats in m-Learning , January, 2014, Journal of Universal Computer Science (JCR: Impact Factor 0.466), Volumen: 20, no. 7, Páginas: 964-985, url, fullText.

    Ana Iglesias, Lourdes Moreno, Paloma Martínez, Rocío Calvo-Martin (2014). Evaluating the accessibility of three open-source learning content management systems: a comparative study. 2014. Computer Applications in Engineering Education (JCR: Impact Factor: 0.296). Volumen: Volumen: 22, no.2, Pp. 320-328. url.

    Rocío Calvo-Martin, Ana Iglesias, Lourdes Moreno, (2014). Accessibility barriers for users of screen readers in the Moodle learning content management system. Universal Access in the Information Society ( JCR: Impact Factor: 0.475), Volumen: 13(3), Pp. 315-327, url.

    César de Pablo-Sánchez, Isabel Segura-Bedmar, Paloma Martínez, Ana Iglesias, (2013). Lightly supervised acquisition of named entities and linguistic patterns for multilingual text mining. Knowledge and Information Systems Journal (Impact Factor 2011: 2.639), Springer London, ISSN: 0219-1377, Volumen: 35, Número: 1, Páginas: 87-109, url.

    Ana Iglesias, Lourdes Moreno, Dolores Cuadra, Elena Castro, (2013). Are Accessible Distance Learning Systems Useful for All Students? Our Experience with IMES, an Accessible Web-Based Learning System, International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies, December, 2013, Volumen: 8, Número: 2, fullText.

    Rocío Calvo-Martin, Lourdes Moreno, Ana Iglesias, (2012). Requirements elicitation for designing an accessible chat, REICIS. Revista Española de Innovación, Calidad e Ingeniería del Software, April, 2012, Volumen: 8, Número: 1, Páginas: 7-21.

    Lourdes Moreno, Paloma Martínez, Ana Iglesias, Belén Ruiz-Mezcua, (2011). Toward an Equal Opportunity Web: Applications, Standards, and Tools that Increase Accessibility, May, 2011, Computer (JCR: Impact Factor (2011):1.470; Q1), IEEE Computer Society, ISSN: 0018-9162, Volumen: vol.44, Issue No. 5 – May , url.

    Ana Iglesias, Lourdes Moreno, Elena Castro, Paloma Martínez, Javier Jiménez, Pablo Revuelta, J.M. Sánchez-Pena, Belén Ruiz-Mezcua, (2010). APElNTA: Apuesta Por la Enseñanza Inclusiva: uso de nuevas tecnologías dentro y fuera del aula, Revista FIAPAS, Madrid, España, January, 2010, Revista FIAPAS, Confederación Española de Familias de Personas Sordas (FIAPAS), Número: 132,.

    Dolores Cuadra, Ana Iglesias, Elena Castro, Paloma Martínez, (2010). Educational Experiences Detecting, Using and Representing Ternary Relationships in Database Design, IEEE Transactions on Education (JCR: Impact Factor: 1.157) ISSN: 0018-9359. Volumen: 53, Número: 3, Páginas: 358-364, url.

    Ana Iglesias, Paloma Martínez, Ricardo Aler, Fernando Fernández, (2009). Learning teaching strategies in an Adaptive and Intelligent Educational System through Reinforcement Learning, Applied Intelligence, Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISSN: 0924-669X (JCR: Impact Factor: 0.988) Volumen: 31, Número: 1, Páginas: 89-106, url.

    Ana Iglesias, Paloma Martínez, Ricardo Aler, Fernando Fernández, (2009). Reinforcement Learning of Pedagogical Policies in Adaptive and Intelligent Educational Systems, January, 2009, Knowledge-Based Systems (JCR: Impact Factor: 1.308) ISSN: 0950-7051, Volumen: 22, Número: 4, Páginas: 266-270, url.

    Ana Iglesias, Paloma Martínez, Fernando Fernández, (2003). An experience applying Reinforcement Learning in a Web-based Adaptive and Intelligent Educational System, Lithuania, January, 2003, Informatics in Education International Journal, National Academy Press; 2000. ATHENA 5, ISSN: 1648-5831, Volumen: 2, Número: 2, Páginas: 223-240, url.

    Paloma Domingo, Ángel García Crespo, Belén Ruiz-Mezcua, Ana Iglesias, (2002). EDU-EX: A Tool for Auto-Regulated Intelligent Tutoring Systems Development Based on Models, Netherlands, Artificial Intelligence Review (JCR: Impact Factor: 0.213), Kluwer Academic Publishers , Volumen: 18, Páginas: 15-32, url.

  • Book Chapters:
  • Ana Iglesias, Belén Ruiz-Mezcua, Juan Francisco López, , (2012). New Communication Technologies for Inclusive Education in and outside the Classroom, Book Chapter, January, 2012, Technologies for Inclusive Education: Beyond Traditional Integration Approaches, IGI Global, ISBN: 9781466625303, Páginas: 271-284, url.

    Rocío Calvo-Martin, Ana Iglesias, Lourdes Moreno, (2011). Is Moodle Accessible for Visually Impaired People?, Web Information Systems and Technologies – 7th International Conference, WEBIST 2011 (Revised Selected Papers), May, 2011, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, ISBN: 978-3-642-280, Volumen: 101, Número: 3, Páginas: 207-220, url.

    Lourdes Moreno, Ana Iglesias, Rocío Calvo-Martin, Sandra Delgado, Luis Zaragoza, (2011). Disability Standards and Guidelines for Learning Management Systems: Evaluating Accessibility, Chapter pf Book: Higher Education Institutions and Learning Management Systems: Adoption and Standardization , August, 2011, IGI Global , ISBN: 9781609608842, Páginas: 199-218, url.

    Lourdes Moreno, Ana Iglesias, Paloma Martínez, Elena Castro, (2009). PEDACCE: Una plataforma de educación digital y accesible en Web, June, 2009, Accesibilidad a los medios audiovisuales para personas con discapacidad (AMADIS´08), Real Patronato sobre Discapacidad, ISBN: 978-84- 692-2, Páginas: 213-232, url.

    Lourdes Moreno, Ana Iglesias, Juan Manuel Carrero, Paloma Martínez, (2007). Subtitulado y Audiodescripción en páginas Web accesibles, Madrid, España, June, 2007, Accesibilidad a los medios audiovisuales para personas con discapacidad (AMADIS´06), Real Patronato sobre Discapacidad, ISBN: 978-84-690-70, Páginas: 55-72, pdf.

  • Books:
  • Dolores Cuadra, Elena Castro, Ana Iglesias, Paloma Martínez, Francisco Javier Calle, César de Pablo-Sánchez, Harith Aljumaily, Lourdes Moreno, Sonia García Manzano, José Luis Martínez Fernández, Jesica Rivero-Espinosa, Isabel Segura-Bedmar, (2013). Desarrollo de Bases de Datos: casos prácticos desde el análisis a la implementación, 2ª Edición Actualizada, January, 2013, RA-MA, url.

    Dolores Cuadra, Elena Castro, Ana Iglesias, Paloma Martínez, Francisco Javier Calle, César de Pablo-Sánchez, Harith Aljumaily, Lourdes Moreno, (2007). Desarrollo de Bases de Datos: Casos Prácticos Desde el Análisis a la Implementación, ESPAÑA, October, 2007, Ra-Ma, ISBN: 9788478978359, Páginas: 569.

  • Invited sessions conferences
  • Ana Iglesias, (2011). APEINTA: uso de nuevas tecnologías para facilitar el acceso a la educación para tod@s., Hablar de educar. De la Atención temprana a la inserción laboral: Educando desde la diversidad, Madrid, España, April, 2011.

Recent Research Projects:

  • Inner-Simulation for Epistemic Reasoning in Robotics (Simulación Interna para Razonamiento Epistémico en Robótica
  • Referencia:Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento 2022 (PID2022-137344OB-C32)

    Resumen: Investigación en mejorar el razonamiento epistémico del robot ante eventos inesperados.

    Investigador principal: Antonio Bandera

    Otros investigadores: Ana Iglesias, Rebeca Marfil, Juan Pedro Bandera, etc.

    Comienzo: 2023

    Finalización: 2026

  • ITERA: Integración de Tecnologías Robóticas Asistivas en residencias de personas mayores
  • Referencia:Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucía 2014-2020. Convocatoria 2018 (UMA18-FEDERJA-074)

    Resumen: Integración de robots en residencias de personas mayores.

    Investigador principal: Rebeca Marfil

    Otros investigadores: Ana Iglesias, Rebeca Marfil, Juan Pedro Bandera, etc.

    Comienzo: 2019

    Finalización: 2021

  • ROSI: Asistentes robóticos para residencia de personas Mayores
  • Referencia:Plan Andaluz de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación – PAIDI 2020, Junta de Andalucía (AT17-5509-UMA)

    Resumen: Integración de robots en residencias de personas mayores.

    Investigador principal: Juan Pedro Bandera

    Otros investigadores: Ana Iglesias, Rebeca Marfil, Juan Pedro Bandera, etc.

    Comienzo: 2019

    Finalización: 2020

  • Reference:CSO2017-86747-R

    Summary: The project is focused on measuring the readability level and complexity of the public administration web pages.

    Main researcher: Jorge Luis Morato

    Other Researchers: Ana Iglesias, Sonia Sánchez, Fco. Javier Calle, Elena Castro, Harith Al-Jumaily.

    Start year: 2018

    End year: 2021

  • CLARC: European Clearing House for Open Robotics Development Plus Plus (ECHORD++). SubProject “SMART CLINIC ASSISTANT ROBOT FOR CGA (CLARC)”
  • Reference: 7FP No. 60116

    Summary: The project is focused on robotized Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment. In particupar, it focuses on the development of CLARC, a mobile robot able to receive the patient and his family, acoompany them to the medical consulting room and, once there, help the physician to capture and manage their data during the Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) procedures. My work is related to accessibility, usability and aceptability in CLARC robot.

    Main researcher: Fernando Fernández

    Other Researchers: Raquel Fuentetaja, Ángel García Olaya, José Carlos González, José Carlos Pulido.

    Start year: 2016

    End year: 2018 [Clarc web page]

  • MULTIMEDICA: Multilingual Information Extraction in Health domain and application to scientific and informative documents
  • Reference:TIN2010-20644-C03-01

    Summary: The aim of this project is to define and develop information extraction and retrieval techniques based on texts from the medical domain. This will be carried out following two basic tasks: firstly, processing scientific documents in English about pharmacology, and secondly, processing informative texts about health topics in other languages such as Spanish and Arabic. These information extraction techniques include domain entities recognition, pattern recognition, machine learning for extracting semantic relations, and the integration of lexical resources which are specific within the public health system (UMLS, SNOMED and so on) in order to improve applications. On the other hand, the information extracted from the processing task must be used to enrich the information retrieval tools. Thus, three prototypes of searching information will be created in order to show the feasibility of the proposed techniques. The first of them is an application oriented to pharmacists to extract knowledge about drug-drug interactions from scientific publications. The second prototype will be a tool focused on general public or patients to search information about illnesses and medicines. The third one will use the terminology extracted from the Spanish-Arabic parallel corpus to aid terminology teaching in the biomedical domain.

    Main researcher:Paloma Martínez Fernández

    Other researchers:Ana M. Iglesias Maqueda, Daniel Sánchez Cisneros, Elena Castro Galán, Isabel Segura Bedmar, José Luis Martínez Fernández, Julián Moreno Schneider, Lourdes Moreno López, María Herrero Zazo, María Teresa Vicente-Díez, Paloma Martínez Fernández,

    Start year:2011

    End year:2013 [Link]

  • BUSCAMEDIA:Towards a semantic adaptation of multinetwork and multidevice digital media
  • Reference:CEN-20091026


    Main researcher:Paloma Martínez Fernández

    Other researchers:Ana M. Iglesias Maqueda, César De Pablo Sánchez, Daniel Sánchez Cisneros, David del Valle Agudo, Dolores Cuadra Fernández, Elena Castro Galán, Francisco Javier Calle Gómez, Harith Al-Jumaily, Isabel Segura Bedmar, Jesica Rivero Espinosa, José Luis Martínez Fernández, Lourdes Moreno López, María González García, María Herrero Zazo, María Teresa Vicente-Díez, Paloma Martínez Fernández,

    Start year:2009

    End year:2012 [Link]

  • GEMMA: Multiplatform manager for Audiovisual Advertisement Media
  • Reference:Proyecto AVANZA – TSI-020302-2010-14

    Summary: The main aim of GEMMA Project (acronym of the Spanish translation of “Multiplatform manager for Audiovisual Advertisement Media”) is to propose a new model for managing audiovisual advertisement contents over platforms of different nature. These audiovisual contents will be distributed lately to multiplatform devices. Furthermore, accessibility issues will be taking into account from the very beginning of the system (from the design of the audiovisual contents to their publication).

    Main researcher:Ana M. Iglesias Maqueda

    Other researchers:Ana M. Iglesias Maqueda, Belén Ruiz-Mezcua, Francisco Utray, Lourdes Moreno López, Mercedes de Castro Álvarez, Paloma Martínez Fernández,

    Start year:2010

    End year:2011

  • SAGAS. Advanced System of Automatic Generation of Subtitles
  • Reference:Proyecto Avanza – TSI-020100-2010-184

    Summary: The main goal of the project is the design and development of a system, which implements a process of automatic generation of subtitles for prerecorded video or audio accompanied by an accurate transcription (screenplay). In this project wants develop a prototype. It will be a tool that will offer support for subtitling of audiovisual content in recorded (movies, documentaries, series, etc…) for different media way such as television, Internet and mobile devices. In this context, the process is called recorded subtitling (off-line or canned) because is not processed in real time; it is treated previously without anytime limits. This automatic support provide a synchronization process of the screenplay with audio by adding time stamps, analyze of errors resulted in the process, and the text subtitles segmentation conform to current standards.

    Main researcher:Lourdes Moreno López

    Other researchers:Ana M. Iglesias Maqueda, Belén Ruiz-Mezcua, José Luis Martínez Fernández, Lourdes Moreno López, María González García, Paloma Martínez Fernández,

    Start year:2010

    End year:2011 [Link]

  • Adapting APEINTA to eReader devices and IP conexions
  • Company: FRANCE TELECOM S.L.

    Summary: Adaptation of APEINTA project so students can use eReader devices (specifically iPads) into the classroom for real-time captioning. Moreover, a feasibility study of new ways of communications based on VoIP between the teacher and APEINTA will be carried out.

    Main researcher:Ana M. Iglesias Maqueda

    Other researchers:Alberto Moriano, Ana M. Iglesias Maqueda, Javier Jiménez, Jose Luis Pajares, Lourdes Moreno López, Paloma Martínez Fernández,

    Start year:2010

    End year:2010

  • BRAVO: Multimodal and Multilingual Advanced Answers Search
  • Reference:TIN2007-67407-C03-01

    Summary: BRAVO is devoted to research on technologies to improve the answers search in both text and voice, and the main result is a platform for a modular answers search system which allows to measure the improvement of different techniques for questions classification, answer extraction, passages retrieval, etc. SPINDEL is one of the techniques developed in this project, an entity recognizer which, regardless of language, applies machine learning based on bootstrapping. In the framework of BRAVO project, one of the current research areas is related to the location of drug names and interactions between them in the medical literature using UMLS, dictionaries and USAN rules of naming drugs. As a result, it is available automatically annotated corpus using the DrugNer system (developed by the Advances Databases Group) with generic drug names and other biomedical concepts and manually evaluated by a pharmacological expert. The system combines information obtained by the UMLS MetaMap Transfer (MMTx) program and nomenclature rules recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) International Nonproprietary Names (INNs) Program to identify and classify pharmaceutical substances

    Main researcher:Paloma Martínez Fernández

    Other researchers:Ana M. Iglesias Maqueda, Belén Ruiz-Mezcua, César De Pablo Sánchez, Elena Castro Galán, Isabel Segura Bedmar, José Luis Martínez Fernández, Julián Moreno Schneider, Lourdes Moreno López, María Teresa Vicente-Díez, Mario Crespo,

    Start year:2007

    End year:2010

  • DISUIPA: Development of a customizable platform for public Internet access for people with disabilities
  • Reference:TSI-020302-2008-55

    Summary: The main objective of the project is developing a universal platform for Internet access via wireless public access networks, through which you can easily manage and monitor the provision of such services, with compliance with all universal accessibility standards, allowing access from any user terminal (personal computers, PDAs, smart phones, etc..) being used by any person, irrespective of any disabilities or impairments that may possess, across the adequate terminals.

    Main researcher:Paloma Martínez Fernández

    Other researchers:Ana M. Iglesias Maqueda, Lourdes Moreno López, Paloma Martínez Fernández,

    Start year:2008

    End year:2010 [Link]

  • APEINTA: Aiming for Inclusive Learning. Using new technologies IN and OUT of the classroom
  • Reference:EA2008-0312

    Summary: APEINTA is an educational project that aims for inclusive education for every student of all abilities in and out of the classroom. We propose to use new computer science and electronic technologies in order to avoid learning barriers that we can unfortunately find already in the educational environment. The APEINTA project is focused in two main inclusive proposals: One Inside the classroom and the other one Outside the classroom. 1.The Inside the classroom proposal is to use two mechanisms in order to eliminate students’ communication barriers. First, the use of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) provides automatic real-time transcription. And second, a text to speech system (TTS) makes easier the communication with the teacher and other students for people with speech problems. 2.The Outside the classroom proposal provides an accessible Web learning platform with digital resources, so every student can access them in and out of the classroom. The project and its evaluation have being carried out at the Carlos III University of Madrid, in 3rd course of Computer Science degree. Good results and a high satisfaction level have been obtained. Moreover, new research and work lines have born from this project. Computer Science Department and Telecommunication department at Universidad Carlos III of Madrid and the Spanish Center of Captioning and Audiodescription (CESyA) are collaborating in the APEINTA Project. This project received in 2009 the FIAPAS (Spanish Confederation of Parents and Friends of Deaf People) award for research and innovation in education area related to hearing disability.

    Main researcher:Ana M. Iglesias Maqueda

    Other researchers:Ana M. Iglesias Maqueda, Belén Ruiz-Mezcua, Javier Jiménez, Lourdes Moreno López, Pablo Revuelta, Paloma Martínez Fernández,

    Start year:2008

    End year:2009 [Link]

  • Improving the access and visibility of the multilingual information in the Region of Madrid
  • Reference:S-505/TIC/0267

    Summary: MAVIR Consortium is a research network co-funded by the Regional Government of Madrid under the IV Plan Regional de Investigación Científica e Innovación Tecnológica (IV PRICIT) integrating a multi-disciplinar team made of scientists, engineers, linguists and documentalists working together on two main areas:Human Language Technologies and Scientific Communication via WWW. The thematic network suggested includes 25 doctors organised in 6 research groups (UNED, UAM, UC3M, UEM, UPM and CINDOC) of the CM that from a multi-discipline perspective complement in various dimensions: academic vs. professional, research vs. services, resources’ generation vs. applications. Furthermore, there are 6 other national and international groups of research associated to the project as well as, among others, the following contributor organizations: RAE, Instituto Cervantes, Fuenlabrada Hospital, EFE Agency and DAEDALUS.

    Main researcher:Paloma Martínez Fernández

    Other researchers:Ana M. Iglesias Maqueda, César De Pablo Sánchez, Daniel Sánchez Cisneros, David del Valle Agudo, Doaa Samy, Dolores Cuadra Fernández, Elena Castro Galán, Francisco Javier Calle Gómez, Harith Al-Jumaily, Isabel Segura Bedmar, Jesica Rivero Espinosa, Lourdes Moreno López, María Herrero Zazo, María Teresa Vicente-Díez, Mario Crespo, Paloma Martínez Fernández,

    Start year:2006

    End year:2009 [Link]

  • GPS: Software Process Management Platform: modeling, reuse and measurement
  • Reference:TIN2004-07083

    Summary: The main project purpose is the design and development of a set of software tools to support Software Engineering Best Practices, defined by international standardization organizations such as ISO, SEI and PMI. These tools will allow the definition of software processes and will assist in the software project management based on Best Practices Models. In order to get the project effectively, it is necessary to develop formal specifications language to represent processes and also an advanced system to store, classify and retrieve assets and artifacts, as work products, project planning, requirement documents, metrics, risks, etc.

    Main researcher:Paloma Martínez Fernández

    Other researchers:Ana M. Iglesias Maqueda, César De Pablo Sánchez, Dolores Cuadra Fernández, Elena Castro Galán, Francisco Javier Calle Gómez, Harith Al-Jumaily, Lourdes Moreno López, Paloma Martínez Fernández,

    Start year:2004

    End year:2008

  • ISSE : Semantic-based Interoperability for e-Health
  • Reference:FIT-350300-2007-75

    Summary: The aim is to research in technology based on automatic language processing for information location and retrieval from medical texts and other resources (reports, electronic medical records, scientific documentation, etc..) specially in Spanish language. Thus, we worked in browsers with different levels of complexity that integrate medical domain-specific resources and terminology (UMLS, SNOMED, etc.) and with different treatment of syntactic and semantic levels.

    Main researcher:Paloma Martínez Fernández

    Other researchers:Ana M. Iglesias Maqueda, César De Pablo Sánchez, Dolores Cuadra Fernández, Elena Castro Galán, Harith Al-Jumaily, Isabel Segura Bedmar, José Luis Martínez Fernández, María Teresa Vicente-Díez, Paloma Martínez Fernández,

    Start year:2007

    End year:2008

  • SOPAT: Servicio de Orientación Personalizada y Accesible para Turismo.
  • Reference:CIT-410000-2007-12

    Summary: This project is related to the strategic action line of ‘Tourism related technologies’ with the aim of improving the existing signaling systems for tourists (of any language) and develop accessible systems in tourist accommodation to help overcome some disabilities (motor, audible, and visual). The consortium created for this project joins together experienced companies in the IT (TMT Factory, Signaletics) and academic research groups (La Salle, UPM, UC3M). SOPAT aims to characterize, develop and validate a new universal signaling system based on the complementary use of: (1) radio-electrical positioning signals emitted by the user (willingly or automatically by some device); and (2) keep natural interactions with the user in order to provide customized services and information. At the technological level, two configurations are raised based on respective communication channels, such as (a) a portable device (PDA), and (b) a fixed-position interface (SmartPoint). The applied positioning technology is the identification by radio frequency (RFID and ZigBee). The interaction subsystem counts on advanced UI elements (recognition and synthesis of speech, and natural language processing) and Natural Interaction models. Our group is involved in this project to provide Natural Interaction mechanisms, supported by a multi-agent platform (Ecosystem) and knowledge models cooperating on it. Among others, in this project can be highlighted the Situation Model (aimed to the management of the circumstances, and supported by spatio-temporal DB) and the Dialogue Model (for controlling and endow coherence to interaction; based on the Threads Model).

    Main researcher:Francisco Javier Calle Gómez

    Other researchers:Ana M. Iglesias Maqueda, David del Valle Agudo, Dolores Cuadra Fernández, Elena Castro Galán, Francisco Javier Calle Gómez, Jesica Rivero Espinosa, Paloma Martínez Fernández,

    Start year:2007

    End year:2008

  • IntegraTV-4ALL: an interactive television for all
  • Reference:FIT-350301-2004-2

    Summary: IntegraTV-4all is an effort towards a new television for all and to promote the access of people with disabilities to the new technologies, with a development adapted and oriented to their possibilities and necessities, which includes both graphical and natural-language interfaces. The consortium is formed by industrial and academic partners(TMT Factory, Ramón Llull University, Technical University of Madrid and Carlos III University). IntegraTV-4all wants to extend interactive television in new directions through the development and integration into the IntegraTV of a new module that contributes to facilitate the personal autonomy and the social integration of groups such as, primarily, people with some sensorial impairment (blindness, visual deficiencies, deafness, impaired hearing ability, limitations of speech). Potentially, nevertheless, the results of the project are also useful for people with some physical or psychic impairment as well as for the elderly. Initially in the project, a basic service of interactive television was implemented, which lets users navigate through the menus using their voice. This service is in operation as a prototype so that users are able to take advantage of all the services of IntegraTV-4all and to navigate through the system without the need of visual references, given that all the options on the screen and all the texts are presented by voice. In a later phase, adapted content (created for users with disabilities) and conversational capabilities (within a limited domain) are added to the system.

    Main researcher:Paloma Martínez Fernández

    Other researchers:Ana M. Iglesias Maqueda, David del Valle Agudo, Dolores Cuadra Fernández, Francisco Javier Calle Gómez, Paloma Martínez Fernández,

    Start year:2005

    End year:2006

  • Tutorial Dialogue System that Supports Negotiation in a Design Context
  • Summary: In order to encourage productive patterns of collaborative discourse, language technologies are used to develop an infrastructure for scaffolding the interactions between students in computer supported collaborative learning environments, to help coordinate their communication, and to encourage deep thinking and reflection. Tutorial dialogue agents for supporting learning of individuals working alone in thermodynamic domain.

    Main researcher:Carolyn P. Rosé (Carnegie Mellon University – USA)

    Other researchers:Allen Robinson, Ana M. Iglesias Maqueda, Carolyn P. Rosé, Rohit Kumar, Vincent Aleven,

    Start year:2005

    End year:2005 [Link]

Supervised Thesis:



Tutor/a: Ana Maria Iglesias Maqueda (Departamento de Informática) y Lourdes Moreno Lopez(Departamento de Informática)

Defensa de la tesis:19-05-2017; Calificación: Sobresaliente Cum Laude Mención Internacional


    Researcher Ana María Iglesias

    1. Queen Letizia ‘2023 National award in Disabilities. Category: Research and Innovation.. “Accessible Interaction between Humans and Electronic Devices”. Ana María Iglesias Maqueda. April 2024
    2. ESVI-AL ‘2017 al mejor trabajo sobre Tecnologías para el Aprendizaje y la Colaboración Accesibles

    3. Given by: II Congreso Internacional Tecnología y Turismo para Todas las Personas.

      Paper: Improving Interaction in Inclusive Mobile Collaborative Learing Tools: Synchronous Chat Applications.

      Authors: Rocío Calvo-Martin, Ana Iglesias, Lourdes Moreno.

      Date: Septiembre 2017.

    4. Award: Accésit a la mejor contribución Premio Jesús Lorés
    5. Given by: XIV Congreso Internacional de Interacción Persona-Ordenador. Celebrado en el Marco del CEDI 2013.

      Paper: Chats for all: A user survey to improve chats’ interaction.

      Authors: Rocío Calvo-Martin, Ana Iglesias, Lourdes Moreno.

      Date: Septiembre 2013

    6. Award: W4A- Web Accessibility Challenge (2011)

    7. Given by: International Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web Accessibility, 2011

      Paper: Web educational services for all: the APEINTA project.

      Authors: Ana Iglesias, Lourdes Moreno, Belén Ruiz-Mezcua, Julián Hernández

      Date: 2011.

    8. Award: FIAPAS 2009 – Investigación en Deficiencias Autidivas en el área de Educación

    9. Given by: Confederación Española de Familias de Personas Sordas

      Reason: Proyecto de investigación APEINTA.

      Authors: Ana Iglesias, Lourdes Moreno, Belén Ruiz-Mezcua, Julián Hernández

      Date: 2011.

    10. Award: IV premios TAW – Web Pública Más Accesible

    11. Given by: XIV Congreso Internacional de Interacción Persona-Ordenador. Celebrado en el Marco del CEDI 2013.

      Reason: miembro del equipo de desarrollo y mantenimiento de las páginas web del CESyA (

      F/Date: 2008.
